Ponce: What Actually Happened at the Fountain of Youth by Jim Halveron

Not all history was written by winners.

Synopsis -

Two Florida State geology students found the pages written by Ponce de Leon’s chronicler in a dry limestone cave in the northwest panhandle. The original Spanish papers, five hundred years old, were found in relatively good shape, protected from time and moisture in a heavy triple-walled leather case. They chronicle Ponce de Leon’s second expedition to Florida in search of the fountain of youth.

Review -

This was an interesting book to read. I decided to wait to write my review until after I received his interview back.  I wanted to know for sure what he actually took from history and where his imagination picked up the gauntlet to create something new.  

I think the best description would be historical fiction.  The author researched Ponce De Leon's life and chose to create a fiction around his final trip.  The story changes perspective many times from that of Ponce, to one of the men serving under him, to several of the indigenous people who lived there.  How did one side see it? How did the other side see the same event? The story definitely highlights the ignorance and disrespect of these invaders from Europe. It also highlighted how the indigenous people lived in harmony and peace with the natural world around them.

The story line was interesting.  Occasionally the writing focused a little more on moving the story along than drawing you in, but overall an interesting imaging of history which has been the focus of all 3 of this authors books.  

Buy the Book: Amazon

Meet the Author -
Fab author interview - HERE!

Jim Halverson grew up in the rural, gold-mining town of Mokelumne Hill, CA and received his MBA from Golden Gate University. He spent part of his life on a ranch and is an avid student of psychology. He recognizes the struggles of all men and women seeking equality and respect. Jim and his wife, Gail, spend their time traveling from their small farm in Forestville, CA.

Connect with the author: website ~ goodreads

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