Poetry - The Gift of Loss

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

The Gift of Loss
by Marilyn R Wilson

The sadness came unexpectedly,
Quicky, savagely, and overwhelmingly.
Another family member taken.
Another dear friend departed.
Another I hold dear suffering brutally
As their body painfully fails them.

The mama bear embedded deep in my soul
Arises fearlessly, seething with anger,
Ready to enter the arena and battle.
But she could find no opponent to fight.
Nor an arena for her to enter.
It was not her enemy, nor her battle.

Disease and old age are nebulous creatures.
Wisps of smoke that murmur in our ears.
They silently creep ever closer,
Fed by our very own genetic inheritance,
And a lifestyle of indulgence born from
Misguided feelings of immortality.

We can support loved ones fighting a battle.
Emotionally help lift them from the darkness.
Visiting and feeding and offering comfort.
All that is within our power to give.
BUT our mama bear must sit on the sidelines.
She cannot carry their burdens or destroy their enemies.

When I rise each morning, I take a deep breath.
I stretch as far as I can, feeling each bodily sensation.
I smell my morning latte as it is born of beans and milk.
The taste excites me, the caffeine a welcome jolt.
Then before my day begins, I offer my gratitude
For the opportunity I am given to live one more day.

And this, my friend, is the gift of loss.
Loss sharpens the senses and lights our fire.
It drives us to experience our world to the fullest.
To explore, indulge and savor new adventures.
When loss next arrives, and grief hits hard,
Try to also embrace the gift it brings.
