Changing Directions - A Travel Story

poster-quote-fall-apart-better things

From January
1st of this year, I kept putting off making any decision about where to go on vacation.  In December we will be celebrating our 40th anniversary and in January I will celebrate a significant birthday.  5 years ago I realized it was better to book a celebratory trip during October or November.  Around the actual dates, our lives are just way too busy. Earlier we can relax and enjoy the experience more.  Our previous significant trip we chose to spend a week in Barcelona and then rent a car and meander slowly down the east coast to Malaga.  It was glorious.

This year
 I was struggling to chose a destination.  I usually handle a lot of the planning and booking on trips so we have the experience we want, but Glen does step in. Last year we visited Iceland/Britain/Bruge.  I handled all flights, the Iceland portion and lodgings in London. Glen handled the UK train tickets, tube passes, phone sim card, and overnight trip to Bruge.  This year neither of us seemed to have the energy and we were both feeling blah. Where should we go?

Mid-July I knew I had to make a decision soon or we would be out of luck. I settled on a trip that had been on my list for years, but one Glen was not that interested in - a tour of the Galápagos Islands followed by a visit to the historic site of Machu Picchu. I met serious resistance as usual, so offered to find a female friend to take this trip with.  Fortunately, in the end Glen agreed to go. I was so relieved. He is my ride or die at home AND while travelling. But he still had serious reservations


After much research, I settled on a tour company and received a sample itinerary.  All looked good. Then I began to look at plane flights. I don't mind flying, but in recent years have struggled with occasionally fainting on planes. This had made me cautious in the flight schedules I choose. This time it was brutal. All but one option had a least two stops. Layovers ranged from 42 minutes which would be a nightmare, to incredibly long. another nightmare. As much as I wanted to go, I felt a door slam shut deep inside.  

Not only was I heart broken, but I was back to square one with no idea what to do. Then the universe stepped in and said, "THIS!" I had to let one dream go to have the vacation we were meant to be on.  Once I switched gears, there a few snags, but it all came together quickly and included perks we didn't expect. It took some staying power to keep at it, but felt right.

We have had several friends take rivers cruises in different parts of Europe and all loved them. Glen was interested. So I pulled open the Viking Cruises website to see what they had  available.  We have never been to France, and I wanted to see southern France in particular. Low and behold there was an eight day cruise from Lyon to Avignon (or Avignon to Lyon).  You could add-on three days in Paris before (yes please), and two days in southern France in Aix-En-Provence after (absolutely). It included hotels for the add-on days, all meals on the cruise, flights, high speed train from Paris to Lyon, and all transfers between hotels, airport, train and boat. You also have the option of one free and several paid excursions each day, including during the add-on days.

Then came the reality check.  All the dates were mostly sold out except for a few that only had tiny hotel style rooms left.  What we needed was a suite with a small seating area and separate bedroom.  I kept checking different dates and then suddenly, out of the blue, I found one sailing with a suite left, but the final add-on was sold out.  In despair I tried the help chat - AI and useless - and then called the company. There I was referred to one of their travel consultants in Boston - Jennifer - and it all came together.

While we were working on the details, three spaces opened up in the final add-on. WHAT? HOW? Neither of us knew. Just meant to be.  She managed to find an approved room for us in a 5 star hotel near the Louvre for our days in Paris.  I had noticed when I first tried online that the Business Class flights through them were showing cheaper than the Premium Economy.  She double checked for me and confirmed yes they were. What a deal.  She was able to quickly get everything in place, went over every item line by line  to make sure we were getting exactly what we wanted, and then booked it. Done! What a pleasure it was to work with a pro. 

We now have an easy, relaxed holiday planned for November where we have little to worry about and feel fully taken care of.  We have a lovely list of free and paid outings we can opt into, or we can decide to just explore on our own at each stop.  The flight schedule is great, and for the first time ever, we have fully reclining seats on the long flights. This means I can probably grab some shut-eye without fainting.  An unexpected bonus. None of my neighbors could believe what I booked at such a late date.  Again, it was simply meant to be.

There were two lessons I found in this experience.  The first is no matter tight you are holding onto a dream, if the process feels wrong, let it go.  It doesn't mean it is gone forever, only that the timing is wrong. I still have the other t trip on my list and hope maybe next year it will work out. Changing directions is not a failure, it is acknowledgement that this isn't the right moment. Something better is calling.

The second is, when it feels right, but you hit a snag, talk to a real person.  The snag turned out to be a blessing as it led me to phone the company, which guided me Jennifer. She explained every option and perk clearly. We know exactly what to expect. There is no point we will be find ourselves wondering what will happen or have to make our own arrangements. It’s all been covered. She also let me know the next two steps I needed to take to organize my flights right away, and sent me material to print out and read through that included the excursions as have to book them even though they are complimentary. Done and done.

At the end she let me know Viking Cruises has a great referral program. I think word of mouth is the best advertisement you can get (and give).  If others had not shared about river cruises, Glen and I wouldn't even have had it on our radar.  So here you go.  If you are interested in going on a cruise with Viking Cruises you can contact Jennifer Burak by telephone at (Direct) 888.663.8454 ext. 8514 or by email at  All you have to do when you reach her is mention the referral program and give her my name and booking number #8311032, and she'll make wonderful things happen.


I hope every one of you have a fabulous year and that you each have a chance to step away from your daily life and explore in a way that brings you joy.  It can be anything from exploring the city you live in, to visiting family and friend, to spending some time camping, or even traveling further afield.  Listen to your heart speak. Follow the whispers.  Whatever arises will be the right choice
